Update Div Every 5 Seconds


How to do Auto Load and Refresh Div every Seconds with jQuery and Ajax with PHP Script. Amardeep Dubey July 19, 2020 comments off In this tutorial we are going to learn how to do auto load and refresh div every second by using JQuery and Ajax method with PHP Script. The above script will display the element after 3 seconds of loading the webpage. Hide method will hide the text Hey this is saruque at first. Then delay method will create a delay. We can pass time as the parameter here. Here we put 3000 for creating a delay of 3 seconds. FadeIn (‘slow’) is optional. Here is the jQuery code: You can see in the above code that we have created a method sendRequest and then apply the setInterval method on that sendRequest method. Now the code will be used to send an AJAX request in every 5 seconds. The time interval 5000 refers to microseconds. You can use the same code anywhere where you want to request. I wish to refresh a div with 12 records of a database, display for 20 seconds, then display the next 12 records, until no more records, then start over or go to a new page. I have the refresh working, but am failing getting to the next set of records. Great tutorial btw. Any advice would be appreciated. +1 year ago Answer it.

If you happen to be a regular on certain social networking sites, such as Twitter, you will have surely not missed how the new posts appear to automatically load and show up after a certain interval of time. This automatic loading feature is a very useful addition to have in many pages of the Web, and is a handy feature that can be performed, with not many lines of code involved in the process.

Why is automatic refreshing and loading of Div content required?

While there is certainly nothing wrong with having the option of manually loading div content on pages, these days, many of the sites would want to impress or rather cut some slack on the users’ part when it comes to dealing with such things. Therefore, the likes of Facebook, Twitter and even a number of RSS feeds make use of the automatic refresh feature to display content on their site’s pages. Additional search results are also often displayed in this manner.

If you have any kind of a website that displays the likes of news, or any other sort of important information, you can implement the automatic loading feature.

How Ajax is used in automatic refresh?

More of a related number of collective web development techniques, Ajax stand for asynchronous JavaScript and XML. Basically, Ajax is largely used to create web-based applications on the client-side. Such applications are generally employed in parts where there is the need to asynchronously retrieve and send data, remaining completely in the background. During this process, Ajax applications also do not affect the state of the original page, in the context of behavior and display.

Also, what is clearly a point to note is that Ajax essentially isn’t the use of a single technique. In fact, it basically makes up a group of various techniques where HTML, CSS and JavaScript can work in sync in order to implement various functions.

If you want to be more into Ajax subject, please refer to some of our other articles:

What is the role of jQuery?

In order to simplify the process of client-side HTML scripting, jQuery happens to be a popular library of JavaScript that can be implemented on numerous platforms. It is free and belongs to the open source software. The syntax of jQuery largely allows for the easy navigation of any document, handling of events, in the creation of animations and also, for the development of applications that are based on Ajax. Developers can also make use of jQuery to create plug-ins.Overall, one can expect to create very powerful web pages and applications that are very dynamic in nature. As of present, jQuery also happens to be the most largely used JavaScript library.

How are we going to implement this feature?

While refreshing of div content can largely be implemented by making use of jQuery, it also requires the use of Ajax. Besides this, we will also employ the use of PHP, HTML and CSS for the implementation of basic functionalities, design and layout.

Example 1

Listing 1: This is the code for the index1.html file

Different component of this code snippets are as follows

  • First, declaring a variable called ‘auto_refresh’ and calling the setInterval method. The return result of this calling is assigned to the variable.
  • Second, inside setInterval method, two parameters are passed. One is a function and second is a number representing refresh milliseconds.
  • Third, inside the function call, two other methods are called; one is load and second is fadeIn. The load method passes one PHP file as the parameter and fadeIn method set the fade-in effects.
  • Fourth, the body only describes the div id.

The code snippet shown above primarily describes the HTML code along with the JavaScript component. Now, one of the most important parts of the snippet is the load (‘count_record.php’). Here, we are basically calling the PHP file that is defined in Listing 2 and that is being displayed. Further, you can also take note of the function load that is basically implementing the auto refreshment option after every 15000 milliseconds or 15 seconds.

Listing 2: This is the code for the count_record1.php file

The following output will be displayed as the effect of this code.

Html Refresh Div Every 5 Seconds

Figure 1 – Displaying Div content refresh

Listing 2 contains the content that is basically displayed and then refreshed after an interval of 15 seconds. You can also substitute that with any other content that you might want to display.

The above, consisting of Listing 1 and Listing 2, is also an example of a classic simple feature that can be implemented to show the basic way to materialize the displaying of Div content using jQuery.

Example 2

Listing 3: This is the code for the index2.php file

This employs the use of PHP and JavaScript code. You can also note how the count_record.php file has been summoned again as a part of the content that is to be displayed.

The $search_word is basically the variable that defines the string that is to be searched by Twitter or Facebook. This string can be inputted in the search box that is found on the sites. Finally, there’s the portion that defines the time interval and it has been set to 15000 milliseconds.

Listing 4: This is code for the count_record2.php file

Now let me explain the components as follows.

  • In the first line, we have included the data base PHP file containing all the database related information.
  • In the second and third line we have declared two variables search_word and sql_qry. The first variable is calling a GET method (using parameter ‘q’) to retrieve the search word. The second query variable is actually calling the sql query function mysqln_query by passing the db and sql statement. It is also passing the search keyword as the third input parameter.
  • Now, the count_record variable is actually fetching the number of records
  • The last line is displaying the count.

In this piece of PHP code, we are calling the database, or rather accessing it, in order to count the number of tweets. The number of counted tweets is also displayed for the user to see.


Listing 5: This is the code for the database.php file

This piece of code snippet contains the database configuration code that is used for the second example. They contain username, database and password as such.

Load content on page load

The following example will show one procedure to load the content immediately on page load. This can be required when we need immediate update.

Listing 6: Immediate content load

Now, let us have a look at different components. Here, we are calling a load function by passing a PHP page as parameter. Then we are calling the setInterval function as we did earlier. We are also using Math.random function to define some random value and also setting the time as 7000 milliseconds.


The implementation of refreshing Div content by making use of jQuery and Ajax is very useful to display search results or even tweets and posts on popular search engines, social networking and news websites.

With the automatic loading of posts, users will not need to additionally refresh the page at very frequent intervals to get the very latest content on the page. Such common and useful feature can be very easily implemented. You must have also noted that the overall implementation is also very simple and requires the use of very few lines of code.

In the top of the page you can also find the source code examples shown here. Good studies!

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Update Div Every 5 Seconds Chart

This post explain and provide easy way solution to load and refresh div every x seconds with jQuery and ajax. May 31, 2016 If you want to load the page auto in div by using jquery. How to auto load the page in div every 5 seconds. Using jQuery to Update a Page.

Anonymous Ignore last comment; Remove all the backslashes. This works with form being GET or POST. --- index.php --- $( '#load_tweets ').load( 'record. Chi Vuol Essere Milionario Sekonda Edizione Isoniazid more. php? Q= '). Download Diskdigger Pro Untuk Android. fadeIn( 'slow '); input name='q' type='text' value=' ' --- 'record_count.php' --- //connection to the database $username = 'username'; $password = 'password'; $hostname = 'hostname'; $dbname = 'yourdbname'; $dbhandle = mysql_connect($hostname, $username, $password) or die('Unable to connect to MySQL'); //echo 'Connected to MySQL '; $selected = mysql_select_db($dbname,$dbhandle) or die('Could not select demo'); $q=$_GET['q']; $sql = mysql_query('SELECT id FROM Messages WHERE message LIKE '%$q%'); $record_count=mysql_num_rows($sql); //Display count.. Echo $record_count; Remove all the backslashes. Hi, I have some problems. I had to run three scripts sequentially.

I use the toggle() to display the menu. After I choose one of the menu, will show new windows (popup: dhtmlxWindows) in new windows which contains a form. I submit the form (in a popup: dhtmlxWindows) which then perform the function $.ajax(). If the function $.ajax() successful, will reload the new div. Here is the problem, after the $.ajax() runs successfully, and reload the new div, I can not call functions JQuery / Javascript others. Eg I can not call toggle() again to select the menu. Can you help me?

Update Div Every 5 Seconds Calculator


Update Div Every 5 Seconds 2020

I'm a newbie to html code & this auto refresh code is of intrest to me but wasn't able to get it working for my situation. I'd pay someone to show me how to apply this to my radio stations recently played songs widget. My url is posted here to look at the page source.

Update Div Every 5 Seconds

I wasn't allowed to post the html code here so going to my site would be the only way to see the JS code being used. I don't have access to anything but plain html editing with my template so the code I need would have to be good for plain html text editing if that makes any sense. Hope to get some help on this, thx.

Php Refresh Div Every 5 Seconds

I am using laravel 5.1 and still pretty new to the framework. When someone adds or updates a new article, I want the page where the article is displayed to be refreshed. Is it possible to do this using some kind of listener or 'asking' x amounts of seconds if a update has been made? What would be a good practice to accomplish this? I would appreciate if someone could provide some code examples as well. I suppose this task can be achieved using web sockets but it's a bit overkill for my case since I just want a simple function for this one case.

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